An executable specification for voteflux


voteflux is an interesting new political party, that will field senate candidates at the Australian federal election in July. It's sole policy is to implement delegative democracy, and to do this within the existing Australian political system. It intends to use blockchain technology to provide cryptographic guarantees to the voting process.

At the time of writing the voteflux software is incomplete, and there is not yet a rigorous specification for how the voting system will work. The voteflux website explains the system at a high level, but leaves questions unanswered. Discussions in the group's slack forums fill in some details, and the parties founders have answered some questions of my own.

In an effort to improve my own understanding of the voteflux ideas, and provide a basis for discussion with others, I've attempted to write an executable specification for the system in Haskell. All of the key logic is in Flux.hs. This was a worthwhile exercise - having to write concrete types and corresponding code made me consider many questions which weren't apparent when thinking less rigourously. Going forward, I intend to build some simulations based upon this code.

Note that this code has no endorsement from the voteflux party - it represents my own efforts to understand the proposed system. But I like their plans, and hope they do well in the election.